Embedded Tooth Extraction

Thanks to advancements in technology, when problems arise with teeth, the priority is to prevent tooth loss by treating the tooth without extraction. However, in necessary cases, tooth extraction may be required. Wisdom teeth extraction, in particular, can be more challenging. Wisdom teeth typically erupt between the ages of 17-18. By the time they emerge, other teeth have fully grown, leaving no space for them.

When teeth have to exert pressure to emerge from the palate, it can cause pain. In our dental office, we perform extractions for impacted teeth. We use state-of-the-art technology to complete the extraction process without any pain.

Why are Tooth Extractions Done?
Tooth extractions are necessary in some cases. Our dental office's top priority is to preserve your natural teeth. However, if a tooth has completely lost its function and is causing inflammation in your mouth, we have to extract it.

We extract teeth:

  • When they are broken beyond repair,
  • When they are too decayed to be saved even with root canal treatment,
  • If they have led to the formation of a tumor,
  • If the tooth is loose due to gum problems,
  • When there is a need for space in the jaw for other treatments.

Additionally, if your wisdom teeth do not emerge, they may also need to be extracted. After taking an X-ray of your teeth in our dental office, the necessary treatment is determined. Then, if deemed necessary by our dentists, impacted or decayed teeth are extracted.

How are Tooth Extractions Performed?
Following X-ray imaging of your teeth in our dental office, if it is determined that a tooth needs to be extracted, the area where the extraction will be performed is completely numbed with local anesthesia. Once numbness sets in, our dentist will use an elevator and forceps to extract the tooth.

Is there Pain during Tooth Extraction?
All tooth extractions are performed with the application of anesthesia, so you will not feel any pain during the extraction process. However, after the extraction is completed, you may feel some discomfort in your tooth for a few days. This discomfort can be managed with pain relievers provided by our dentists.

Will There be Swelling After Extraction?
The healing process after your tooth extraction in our dental office will be very short. Depending on the position of your teeth, you may experience some swelling in your cheek. To prevent swelling, you can apply a cold compress externally to the extraction site. The swelling should subside within a day.