Our Services

Functional Jaw Orthopedics
Functional jaw orthopedics is the name given to the process of guiding the jaw development of children at a young age. This procedure, performed by orthodontic experts, ensures that children have a proper jaw structure. We provide services in the field of functional jaw orthopedics. Through our procedures, we prevent incorrect jaw development. Various stimuli are used for this purpose.

Treatment of Functional Jaw Orthopedics
We apply functional jaw orthopedic treatment in our dental office, mostly for children whose jaw structure is still developing. Using devices called appliances, we facilitate the proper development of the jaw. The selection of the appliance to be used is determined by monitoring the direction of jaw development. During the decision-making process, we also take into account the opinions of the child and their family. We ensure the application of the appliance in the jaw based on their decision. These products are divided into two types: removable and fixed. The removable appliances, also known as "aparey," are usually placed outside the mouth to guide the jaw development. These products can be taken out and put back in by the patients themselves, allowing for easier cleaning. However, because of their removable feature, patients can sometimes neglect to follow the dentist's recommendations. Fixed appliances, on the other hand, are placed inside the mouth. Therefore, patients cannot remove them. With the use of these two types of appliances according to the treatment process determined by our dentist, children can have a proper jaw structure. Starting Age for Treatment
We usually begin the treatment of functional jaw orthopedics for children at the age of 2-3, when jaw development problems are observed. In addition, we also provide treatment for patients who come to us at the age of 8 or older. We improve the quality of life for those patients whose life quality has decreased due to jaw disorders. However, because treatment conditions become more difficult at older ages, we recommend that jaw disorders observed at early ages be treated by consulting orthodontists.   Treatment Duration
The treatment we apply in our dental office can vary between 6-20 months, depending on the jaw structure, condition of the teeth, and their development. After examining our patients who come to our dental office, we inform them and their relatives about the duration of the treatment after deciding on the appliance to be used. Especially, if patients using removable appliances follow our recommendations, the jaw structure can be corrected without extending the treatment period.   Reasons Leading to the Need for Treatment
The need for functional jaw orthopedic treatment can arise due to difficulties experienced for various reasons.  
  • Early tooth loss
  • Malformations in jaw development
  • Excessive use of products such as pacifiers and bottles
  • Disorders resulting from falls
  • Low consumption of hard foods
  • Respiratory problems
  • Empty spaces in mouth closure and incorrect bites
  • Crowded teeth and improperly emerging teeth
Due to these reasons, we correct jaw disorders through our expert teams in our dental office and ensure that especially children have a proper jaw structure.

Functional Jaw Orthopedics