For a healthy smile, dental structure is crucial for individuals. Dental veneer procedures are performed to cover damages such as chipping or breakage that occur in the teeth. In our dental office, we apply different veneer methods based on the patient's dental structure. When deciding on the type of veneer to be applied, we make the choice according to the condition of the tooth, the patient's expectations, and the cost of the procedure.
Types of Dental Veneers
As Guler Bayindir Dental Office, we offer all options to our patients. Types of dental veneers are named according to the veneer material used.
The types we apply in our dental office are as follows;
- Porcelain dental veneer
- Zirconium dental veneer
- Metal-supported dental veneer
- Empress dental veneer
- Glass ceramic veneer
- Toronto Implant Upper Porcelain
After determining the damage condition in the patient's teeth, we explain to the patient the most suitable options for their dental structure and the application procedures.
How We Do It?
In dental veneer procedures, we first take measurements of the patient's teeth. We choose the veneer material and prepare the tooth for veneer application by performing dental cleaning. We prepare the veneer molds based on the measurements taken and the molds created. Before proceeding to the final stage, we place temporary molds to see if the veneers fit and observe for a certain period. Then we complete the dental veneer procedures and finish the process.
Porcelain Dental Veneer
In the porcelain veneer procedures we perform in our dental office, we prepare a veneer material that matches the color of the tooth. Porcelain dental veneers are resistant to breakage and can be used for a long time. They are preferred by many people because they provide the desired aesthetic result.
Zirconium Dental Veneer
When we apply zirconium dental veneer, we capture the original appearance of the tooth, and often the veneer is not noticeable. It has no sensitivity to cold, heat, and has no adverse effects on the gums. Due to its natural appearance, it is preferred for front teeth.
Dental Aesthetics
Dental structure and appearance have an attention-grabbing feature during speech. Having beautiful teeth is a desired aspect for everyone. In our dental office, we perform aesthetic works that will create the most beautiful appearance according to the dental and gum structure. Before dental veneer procedures, we also check whether the gums are healthy along with the teeth. Applying the best treatments for our patients, we perform dental veneer works according to their expectations.