If the human body has a strong immune system, it becomes easier to be protected from diseases caused by viruses and other microorganisms.
Studies have shown that problems in the mouth and teeth weaken the immune system. For this reason, it is recommended to brush the teeth regularly and visit the dentist regularly.
The effect of oral and dental health on the immune system
The immune system can be strengthened by paying attention to healthy nutrition and regular sleep. Another requirement is to take care of oral health. New research; shows that gum diseases and infections that may occur in the mouth affect all protective mechanisms in the body. Infections that can quickly occur in the mouth activate the immune system to defend this area. Unless conditions are treated and health problems in the mouth are solved, the immune system always turns here and may be inadequate for other dangers that threaten the body. Infections can cause the immune system to weaken.
Oral Care and Treatment of Missing Teeth
Treatment of gum and oral diseases is essential for the immune system to remain strong. If there are missing teeth, they should be treated with implants, which is the most comfortable method today. Implant procedures must be performed by dentists who have received the necessary training and are specialized in this field.